Generator Installations
Having a back-up, stand-by, power generator is a smart idea during electricity related emergencies. A generator can help keep your family happy, and your business open.
BEGIN WITH An on-site electrical planning Inspection
When the electric power is out, you can run appliances like air conditioners, refrigerators, heaters, washers/dryers, computers, medical equipment, and lights with a back-up generator. The cost savings of keeping food cold can save hundreds of dollars. The benefits of staying warm during cold weather, and cool during hot weather, can literally be life-saving, especially for anyone who relies upon electrically dependent health care equipment.
Generators can also protect homes and businesses from electrical power fluctuations that can harm equipment and appliances, saving money from the potential needs of repairs or replacements.
Our local journeyman and master level electricians have both the advanced training, and hands-on experience with installing back-up generators. When natural disasters occur, a back-up generator can help keep you and your loved ones safe, by keeping communication with local authorities open. We know how to determine the best size and location for backup generators, and to install generators affordably.
Call us for On-Site Generator planning.